Torah Gets Techno Push
More Torah from more rabbis to more people than has ever been possible in history now possible through new technologies.
( August 1, 2004 - On the world wild web it can be difficult to justify going beyond ones business contacts and personal e-mails, but settings ones sites on is a safe harbor of inspirational Torah through technology that is worth a look. In the last year this new web site has become one of the most frequented Torah locations on the net with over 35,000 classes downloaded (and that number has more than doubled weeks since the year mile stone) and new technology enhancements will mean more Torah from more rabbis to more people than has ever been possible in history.
Exciting new features that are already making the spread of Torah in this era that is snow balling to redemption possible include the ability to add additional rabbis to the TeachItToMe software system and simultaneously populate the Torah class directory of and the rabbis' personal sites (for example the new streaming weekly torah portion on Rabbi Dovid Goldwasser's site This feature goes beyond just links but to offer full fledged technological empowerment of the rabbis' sites with the same powerful streaming and downloading technologies offered on New features part of this shared system include streaming audio with accompanying class materials inserted in to the RealPlayer audio player, Windows Media Playlists, MP3 Playlists, direct MP3 downloads, automatic MP3 splitting to allow for easy personal audio CD creation of Torah classes that can be played in ones car CD player and much more. has added a virtual class room using Apple Computers streaming QuickTime technologies making available full motion live audio and video to students around the world regardless of personal computer platform the classroom includes digital live white board and live question and answer chat. Many classes continue to also broadcast through one of the leading forums of live Torah classes on the net. is the leader in spreading torah through modern technologies connecting the sparks of vibrant torah talent that have been spread through out the world in the furthest parts of diaspora to every soul everywhere. is run by a board of Torah observant Orthodox Rabbis and technical administration and programming is done by Rabbi David Botton.
Rabbi David Botton