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Press Releases - January 13, 2005
TeachItToMe.com News and Announcements

Jewish MP3 File Sharing Boom

iTunes may be the leader in legal MP3 music sharing, but TeachItToMe.com takes the lead on Torah MP3s.

(TeachItToMe.com) January 13, 2005 - Every day the world is getting quicker and the future brighter. TeachItToMe.com the pioneer and world leader of legal MP3 file sharing for Torah and Judaism, one of the most frequently visited Jewish sites on the internet, is happy to announce the recent addition of Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro's collection of Torah classes. Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro is one of the up and coming stars of the guest lecturer circuit for Rabbanim. He is the Rabbi of Congregation Shaaray Tefilah in North Miami Beach and has lectured around the world in key jewish communities such as Minneapolis, Chicago, New York and South Africa. His dynamic lecturers are being digitized now and will be made available on http://www.teachittome.com and http://www.rabbishapiro.org as they are prepared in the coming weeks.

TeachItToMe.com is also thrilled to announce that it has surpassed more than a 190,000 downloads and streams of Torah early in to is second year running. The shiur ;-) number is amazing. Keeping sharing our MP3s!!

TeachItToMe.com is the leader in spreading torah through modern technologies to connect the sparks of vibrant torah talent to the many souls spread through out the farthest parts of the world. TeachItToMe.com is run by a board of Torah observant Orthodox Rabbis, technical administration and programming is done by Rabbi David Botton.

Contact: http://www.teachittome.com Rabbi David Botton


(c) 2003-2008 All Rights Reserved - Rabbi David Botton

Distribution and Copying of materials is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED in any form including links, burning of CDs, file sharing networks, IIRC, etc. It is requested that TeachItToMe.com be clearly written on CDs or incorporated in to file names to indicate it as the source of the material whenever possible.

"How much do the MP3s cost?
Huh? If I had the money I'd pay you to listen!" - RDB